Thursday, March 7, 2013

Soooo... here's a thought for all of the Shakespeare-crazed teens at SAC.... my twisted co-hort and I have stumbled upon a gold mine of one-act comedy Shakespeare spinoffs and spoofs. Like "The Seussification of Romeo and Juliet" and "The Hamlet Thrill-ma-geddon"  and "Miss Polly's Institute for Criminally Damaged Young Ladies Puts on a Show" (they do Hamlet), "Romeo, You Idiot,"  "Miss Beth" and "Canned Hamlet" and of course the wildly chaotic and deliciously inappropriate "The Complete Works of Shakespeare - Abridged." It's a Shakespeare motherlode!

So we're thinking... what if the Schoolhouse teens took over the Blackbox and ran crazy Shakespeare shows to an audience who's gorging themselves on popcorn and gummy worms (because food is a-okay in the Blackbox) and did these shenanigans, like, every couple of months or so?

What do you think? Comment away!

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